Holi: The Color Festival
Sat, Mar 11, 2023
Kazanhaz Club
Debrecen, Hungary

Black’d Out events
Holi/ होली (festival of colors) Traditionally, Holi is a festival of colors that celebrates spring, love, & new life. Do you know more about the history of this festival? https://www.holifestival.org/ This year we’re trying to re-create the festival to be as close as possible to how we experience it back home. The sub-events and their timing will go on as follows: 🌟4pm-6pm: Color Clash ( Fight your friends and foe with completely organic colored powders with the live DJ music outdoors) 🌟6pm-10pm: Food stalls & Refreshments Colorful Minds ( Interactive games and Activities organized by DOSZ) UV face paint 🌟10pm-4am: Universe-themed International UV Afterparty (Music by DJ Rave || DjNandes || DJ Skipper)